Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How I Met Your Mother---Bedtime Stories the best episode yet

For those of you who do know me, they will tell you how much i am obsess with how i met your mother(robin especially). All those stories leading to the final season, when we actually get to see the face of 'the mother'.Call me boring, but i think I'm one of the last few fan who actually still roots for Ted to end up marrying Robin(which was told to us by the producers it would never happen,since season 1), and how I still think that Ted deserves more screen time than Barney. The high and low of the quirky team, their happy and sad moments. but this final season, this particular episode, I get the chance to watch something amazing, the whole episode is in rhyme. Amazing how the writers put in the effort worthy of inclusion into our education system(okay, exaggeration) and the show still does not get the credit it deserves. talk is cheap, and i don't want to waste your time, watch the show, and learn how to rhyme.